Daniel Giamario
Website: danielgiamario.com.
2017 Online Summit Presentation
Preparing for 2020: Seeding a New World
Talking points:
Rudhyar’s concept of becoming “seed people”
A historical Timeline from the late 1800’s until 2025, with the end of the Kali Yuga, as well as the American saeculum.
A revision and deeper understanding of the symbols of Pluto, Saturn and Capricorn.
Exploring the nature of hierarchy
Who we really are as global humanity and the lies of history.
The Three World’s approach to understanding, experiencing and preparing for the alignments of 2020 and onwards.
Exposing the “myth” of progress.
Daniel Giamario is the Founder and Director of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School and creator of the Shamanic Astrology paradigm. He joins together an academic background in Comparative Philosophy and Spirituality, with teaching meditation in two worldwide organizations, and extensive world travel. Daniel learned astrology in the late 1960’s and was part of Dane Rudhyar’s humanistic astrological movement in the 1970’s. After a vision quest experience on Mount Shasta in 1981, his astrological vision and spiritual path became more earth centered and a shamanically oriented astrology was born. For many years, his specialty has been connecting astrology to the night sky at secluded locations and sacred sites to directly experience the reality of “As Above So Below”. He has been a full time astrological consultant since 1984.
Shamanic Astrology has evolved as a rich blend of psychological, mythological, spiritual, and shamanistic elements, specifically designed to assist in the unfoldment of the individual’s life purpose and in navigating this pivotal point of the Turning of the Ages.
In the early 1990’s, Daniel Giamario, with the help of Cayelin Castell, began the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, a land based, nomadic, and virtual curriculum for training counseling and therapeutic professionals in the use of the most important astrological tools and techniques.
Daniel’s first book, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook, is available and a variety of other Shamanic Astrology books are in development. He has written numerous articles for Mountain Astrologer magazine and other publications. In 2013 he authored the Shamanic Astrology Divination Card Deck, currently available from the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School. Over the last 30 years, Daniel traveled extensively, teaching workshops all over the country in over thirty locations. He is currently travelling less, except for some regularly scheduled events in the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School curriculum, as well as creating and producing workshops in exotic locations, such as Callanish in Scotland, Bali, and the Philippines.
Daniel’s twin passions are the growing of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School’s body of knowledge, as well as continued research in the answering of the question:”Who are we? And what the Hell Happened?”
Daniel lives with his wife Lynne, going back and forth between Southern Arizona, Hawaii and South Asia. and is available for in person and phone consultations, lectures and workshops. Daniel Giamario is a lively and stimulating radio and television guest and has hosted his own radio show on the Seventh Wave Network and other networks over the years.